Meet Our Team

Jaikishin Aswani -  MBA in Accounting

Jaikishin Aswani has more than 30 years experience as an Auditor, Controler, Systems Manager and Tax Consultant with several companies where He had different roles such as Internal Auditor, Controller, Accounting Manager. He has worked in several Local and Multinationacional companies in Panama.

He has also impletmented several  ERP Accounting systems, created Internal Audit programs and help Corporations with Tax Planning and Financial management. He has taken several seminars in Taxation Law, Systems controls and Retail management.

The Industires that he has worked at are Supermarkets, Fishmeal Factory for Fishmeal and Fishoil, DELL Computors and ADM USA.

He is currently one of Directors at Aswani & Aswani Asociates since January 2017. 

Mirna De Aswani - MBA in Accounting & Cpa.

Mirna de Aswani has more 40 years experience as an Auditor, Accountant, Controler and Financial Manager for a Fishmeal factory in Panama. She also worked with a Shrimp factory and attender several companies with outsourced accoutning needs. .

Since 2017 Mirna has dedicated her professional practive to helping clients with Audit and Fiscal matters. She also assists Clients with delicate negotiations and represents several clients to the tax authorites for Tax audits and other fiscal matters.

She constanly updates here knowledge by attending all the seminars related  to  Panamimian tax laws and IFRS accounting standards. 

She is the Head Director at Aswani and Aswani Asociados.

Other Team Members

Aswani and Aswani Asociados also work with local prominent Tax and Legal attorneys to help their clients with complicated matters.

Their network of professionales are well known and have excellent reference for their professional skills. 

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